dkextract(1) dkextract Documentation dkextract(1) NAME dkextract — Extract movies/episodes/scenes/clips/screenshots from discs. SYNOPSIS dkextract options dkm_file dkextract iso_file DESCRIPTION Extracts movies/episodes/scenes/clips/memes/screenshots from discs with information provided in a DKM file. If an ISO is provided on the commmand line, all its titles will be ex‐ tracted to ${DK_CACHE}/extractions/iso_tags/ For extracting videos, makemkv and mkvmerge are used. For screenshots, makemkv and ffmpeg are used. The default output directory is ${DK_CACHE}/extractions which with the default DK_CACHE is /tmp/disc-kuraudo/extractions. Note /tmp/ is usu‐ ally a tmpfs residing in volatile RAM, which means that extractions will be securely erased after use on shutdown/reboot. OPTIONS -h, --help Opens this man page. --dkm-file=FILE Specify DKM file with information about extracting. Can as well put the DKM file on the command line without this option. --cache=CACHE Specify a cache directory to store extracted titles for further extraction. Default: DK_CACHE --output-dir=DIR Specify an output directory for the extractions. Default: DK_CACHE/extractions. --all-titles For discs, make makemkv output all titles at once before extract‐ ing. --no-cleanup Don’t clean up cache extracted titles in the cache directory. Exclude extraction: --no-videos Exclude extracting videos. --no-audio Exclude extracting audio. --no-images Exclude extracting images. Customize extraction type (first one of these will exclude): --videos Extract videos. --audio Extract audio. --images Extract images. --regex=[REGEX] Provide a regular expression that should match the extracted file name. If an extraction does not match, it will be skipped. --with-type=“type” --without-type=“type” : Extract only if ‘type' matches with provided one, e.g. ‘episode'. --with-aspect-ratio=“aspect_ratio” --without-aspect-ratio=“aspect_ratio” Extract only if field ‘aspect_ratio' matches/doesn’t match provided one, e.g. “4:3”. --with-vres-scan-fps=“vres_scan_fps” --without-vres-scan-fps=“vres_scan_fps” Extract only if field ‘vres_scan_fps' matches/doesn’t match provided one, e.g. “1080i60”. --with-codec=“codec” --without-codec=“codec” Extract only if field ‘codec' matches/doesn’t match provided provided one, e.g. “mpeg2”. --with-female-actors=“Female Actor 1,Female Actor 2” --without-female-actors=“Female Actor 1,Female Actor 2” Extract only if CSV array ‘female_actors' contains/doesn’t contain all provided female actors. Case insensitive search in each array entry. e.g. “gina wild” will match “Michaela Schaffrath (aka Gina Wild)” --with-male-actors=“Male Actor 1,Male Actor 2” --without-male-actors=“Male Actor 1,Male Actor 2” Extract only if CSV array ‘male_actors' contains/doesn’t contain all provided male actors. Case insensitive search in each array entry. --with-keywords=“uncensored,not on disney+” --without-keywords=“keyword1,keyword2” Extract only if CSV array ‘keywords' contains/doesn’t contain all pro‐ vided keywords. Case insensitive search in each array entry. --with-quotes=“alarm” --without-quotes=“quote one,quote two” Extract only if CSV array ‘quotes' contains/doesn’t contain all provided quotes. Case insensitive search in each array entry. --with-comment=“comment” --without-comment=“comment” Extract only if string ‘comment' contains/doesn’t contain the provided comment. Case insensitive search in the string. --tag-female-actors Put female actors’ names in the extracted file name. --tag-male-actors Put male actors’ names in the extracted file name. --tag-actors Put actors’ names of both genders in the extracted file name. BUGS Discord server: [] AUTHOR Darjan Krijan [] SEE ALSO disc-kuraudo(1), ffmpeg(1), makemkv(1), mkvmerge(1) Version 0.5.4 dkextract(1)